It's been nearly a month since I last wrote here. My computer was out of commission for much of that time. First, I took it to the service facility at the retailer I bought it from for a diagnostic. There, they told me they had problems with the motherboard and suggested I contact the manufacturer. I did, and they suggested I send it to one of their service centers, which I did. They said they could not find a problem with the motherboard, but did check the battery and replace it. I got it back from the manufacturer last Thursday afternoon, then took it to a local computer repair shop. They checked it out and said it was fine. Back home, I got the computer hooked back up and reinstalled software or updated software already on the computer. It's running good now, although there is a update that isn't installing. I may take it over to that local facility to have them look into this.
With that out of the way, it's time for a catch up. On Mon., 18 Jan., I met animal husbandry scientist and autism activist Temple Grandin at the Fenton Barnes & Noble store. She was there to plug her latest book, "Animals Make Us Human." There were quite a few people with autism spectrum disorders there (like myself, with Asperger's syndrome), so this was a great thrill for me. (Photos I took of Dr. Grandin at that event are posted.)
The next night, 19 Jan., I ran the IPMS Gateway meeting -- my first as club president. It went real well, as we had our annual swap & sell and kit auction, the latter to benefit our club. After Fred Amos started off as auctioneer for a few minutes, I took over for the rest of the auction. One week later, I hosted the monthly club business meeting here.
Sat., 23 Jan., I refereed a boys under-15 match at the Soccer Park in Fenton, then stayed to help officiate some mini-games that were tryouts for AC St. Louis, the new men's pro soccer team (North American Soccer League). I worked some futsal the next day, 24 Jan.
I had a job interview the last week of January for a temporary proofreading position at a consumer products firm in the metro area. Unfortunately, I did not get the position. I worked futsal on Sat., 30 Jan., but weather cancelled outdoor games I had been assigned to work. On 29 Jan., my refereeing colleague and friend Bill Tatlock died after a long illness, and I attended the visitation on Mon., 1 Feb.
I ran the IPMS St. Louis meeting on Tue., 2 Feb. Not much to discuss, but did show off a few newly built models and a couple of new kits.
With my computer back in commission, I should be back to a more frequent blog posting pattern soon. Tomorrow, I enjoy my birthday. (Yea!) Take care.