10 January 2021

New Printer/Scanner/Copier; Website Possibilities

Last Wednesday afternoon (6 January), I drove to the Best Buy (https://www.bestbuy.com/) store in the Chesterfield Commons Shopping Center (https://www.mallscenters.com/malls/missouri/chesterfield-commons). I went there to pick up a new Epson (https://epson.com/usa) Expression Premium XP-7100 printer/scanner/copier. I had ordered it online the day after Christmas. This replaces an Epson Stylus NX430 I had been using for over eight years, and which was showing its age. Bringing it home, I unpacked the box, checked out the comonents, then assembled it and connected the device to the wireless network. Then, I made a few test prints with it, and was most impressed. It has a faster print speed compared to the NX430, including with color prints. Also, in making two-sided prints, I don't need to print one side, then refeed the paper to print the other. On the XP-7100, it does that automatically. I also like how the individual color ink cartidges, including one for black photo as well as the standard black, cyan, magenta, and yellow. The newer device is much easier to connect with the WiFi network than the NX430. The XP-7100 will work great for me.
My priority this week is putting out this month's newsletter for IPMS/Gateway (https://sites.google.com/view/ipmsgatewaychapter/home), but then I want to move on setting up a website for posting my work samples in public relations, writing, and editing. I feel such a site would help me in my search for a job in those fields. Debbie Reinhardt, my colleague in Missouri Professional Communicators (https://www.moprocommunicators.org/), sent me some ideas earlier this month. They include Wix (https://www.wix.com/html5bing/hiker-create-wix?msclkid=dead3e2727c41e5f425461d09e4bf92d&utm_medium=cpc), which has a free website version I could use. She's used that in developing the organization's new website. Debbie also suggested Weebly (https://www.weebly.com/lp/websites/dual-tst?c=mkt_w_chnl:semb_geo:US_prtnr:bng_camp:B-S-Brand-EM-US_campid:329829766_ag:weebly_agid:1278732246754097_kw:weebly_mt:e_dvc:c&msclkid=a8ec231c96a716c427617ceb2cf6eba0&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=B-S-Brand-EM-US&utm_term=weebly&utm_content=weebly), which also has a free setup and various templates to select from in developing a website.

I should have a decision on the website to go with by the end of January. Any input you may have in this matter is much appreciated.
