Last Saturday, I started with some political canvassing in the morning. It was for a couple of Democratic candidates in south St. Louis. Got that done within two hours. That afternoon, I was in St. Charles to referee matches in the SLYSA College Showcase, a series of friendlies involving boys and girls teams. I worked three matched with under-19 girls teams, in the high heat and humidity. (The heat index topped 100 degrees F.) As we were working the second games of the day for these teams, we shortened the matches to 40 minute halves and had two water breaks per half (about 1/3 and 2/3 through the half), yet some players were slow by the end of the match. I had a hard time making it through the second half of the third and final match of my set, but the match ended up fine and SLYSA was most appreciative to the referees for our efforts that day.
Ran the IPMS Gateway meeting last night, which featured our annual Slamfest. Members interested in this (myself and seven others) had two hours to assemble and finish a model, which was then judged by the meeting attendees in a "beauty contest." I got mine done -- the kit snapped together, and then I painted it. It didn't win any of the top three awards (gift certificates to a hobby shop), but it was OK with me.
Earlier in the day, I send notices of the IPMS Gateway Invitational coming up on 11 September in Eureka to local community calendar web sites. Several of them have it up now, and others should in the coming days. I also sent a release on the Invitational to a community newsmagazine serving Eureka and its vicinity, and hopefully they will run it in the issue prior to the Invitational.
I'm off to do some volunteer work tonight. Later.