25 July 2020

Name Change for This Blog


Since I started this blog some years ago, I used the name Bobby D Blog as it was what I felt was appropriate with my character. Recently, I did some thinking and feel this should have a name more appropriate for my interests.

Effective with my next post, the Bobby D Blog will be known as Bob Delaney At Large. I feel this will better convey the variety of topics I write about on this blog. The URL will stay the same; just the title and the mission statement will change.

I should have a post tomorrow night under the new name.


22 July 2020

Slamming a MiG-15 Kit for IPMS Gateway

Last night (21 July), I drove after work to Affton Elks Lodge 2635 (https://www.elks.org/lodges/ContactUs.cfm?LodgeNumber=2635) for this month's meeting of IPMS/Gateway (https://sites.google.com/view/ipmsgatewaychapter/home). This meeting featured the club's annual SlamFest, in which participants had two hours to assemble and finish a model kit.

I brought a Hobby Boss (http://www.hobbyboss.com/) 1:72 scale MiG-15bis kit that I bought the previous Saturday from Schaefer's Hobby Shop (http://schaeferhobby.com/). Promptly at 7:00 pm, SlamFest began. The kit was rather simple to assemble, and the color scheme (overall natural metal) was simple.

I was able to finish this kit by 9:00 pm, though it was the sort of kit that would have been come out much nicer had I spent more time on it. Still, it was fun to do and I was able to enter this with the six other models completed in a people's choice contest.

Meeting attendees wrote down the entry numbers of the three models they thought were best in this contest, and the results were tallied. Mine did not crack the top three, which earned their builders gift certificates ($20 for First Place, $10 each for Second and Third) from scalehobbyist.com (https://www.scalehobbyist.com/index.php). I had no quarrels about the result, though. This was a fun night.
