28 February 2019

Three Models at the IPMS/Gateway Meeting

One week ago Tuesday night (19 February), I came to Calvary Presbyterian Church (http://calvarypresbyterianchurch.org/) for this month's IPMS/Gateway (https://sites.google.com/view/ipmsgatewaychapter/home) meeting. (I came straight from work; it was a long day at work.) This meeting featured the first contest towards this year's Modeler of the Year Award in the club. By tradition, the February contest is all Out of the Box. That is, all entries are built as is, with no modifications, and with the kit instructions included with the entries.

I had three models completed for this contest: a 1:100 scale MiG-19 fighter plane; a 1:700 scale British submarine Turbulent; and, a 1:48 scale telegraph pole. I earned one point each for each entry, and one point each for entering in the Special Category of this month, Out of the Box. My Turbulent took Second Place in Ships (two points), and the telegraph pole was Third Place in Miscellaneous (one point). A nice showing for me, I think.

There were 37 entries in this contest, a good showing for the first one of the year. There will be three other Modeler of the Year contests--May, September, and November.

Also at the meeting, Rick Keasey gave a demo on painting uniforms on figures, which was very interesting. Plus, orders and money were taken for the new club polo shirts. I put in for two shirts.
