I've read the Bible's account of how it stormed while Jesus was crucified on the original Good Friday. This past Good Friday (22 April) had a major storm, with high winds and rain, plus a bit of light hail. The worst of the storm -- a series of tornadoes -- hit well north of me. I'm just so glad no person was seriously injured by those tornadoes. I was at a party at Fraley's in south St. Louis County, which several people I knew in high school had gathered. A few of them I have been in fairly regular contact, primarily through Facebook, but others I had not seen in years. It was neat, although the news about the storm did take an edge off things.
One of those Mehlville alums, Elena Billot (maiden name Arnavat), had asked through Facebook for a lift, as her car was destroyed in a recent crash. I volunteered to give her a lift to the party, and she accepted. I drove to her residence to pick her up, and took her to the party. I had not seen Elena in many years, and we both enjoyed ourselves at the event. I drove her back home, by which time there was just a light rain and slight winds. (The attached photo from Elena is of her and yours truly at that party.)
The next Day (Sat., 23 April), I was refereeing boys soccer in Maryland Heights. The games went real well.
Easter Sunday (24 April), I went to church with my parents, and enjoyed dinner at home. Just relaxed at home the rest of the day.
Monday (25 April), I went to The Creative Group office in downtown St. Louis to get reactivated with that temp agency. Hopefully, I'll get some assignment soon. (The previous Friday, I was reactivated by the other agency I've signed with, Creatives on Call.) I went to the monthly soccer referee clinic that night, where we had a discussion on employing common sense in our refereeing.
Tuesday night (26 April) saw me in House Springs, Missouri for the IPMS/Gateway business meeting, hosted by Brad and Julie Vaughn at their house. We had a light meeting among the officers present, and planned our May general meeting.
Last night (27 April), I was at St. Louis University High School (SLUH) in west St. Louis to run line on an under-14 boys Midwest Regional League match. It was pouring rain much of the night, so we were glad it was played on artificial turf. The game went well, despite not having as much light as we want on the field. (One of the field's light standards was blown down by a recent storm and improvised lights weren't ideal.)
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