15 March 2012

A Somewhat Sleepless Weekend, A Somewhat Hectic Tuesday

Last Thursday night (8 March), I made some calls to contact some Mehlville High 1982 classmates to let them know about the reunion this October and to confirm contact info. I only spoke with one classmate then, who indicated he wasn't interested in the reunion. I left messages for the others, one of whom did call back the next day with the info I was seeking.

Saturday night (10 March) found me at SLUH refereeing under 14 boys' soccer games. The three games went well, with no real hassles. After getting home, I turned my watches and clocks ahead one hour, for Daylight Savings Time that began at 2 am Sunday, 11 March. I had to be up early for a pair of games at the Scott Gallagher Facility, so I didn't get much sleep. I got through both games, but the first one--a middle on an under 14 boys Midwest Developmental League match--was a most challenging one. I had to keep some rather tight control on these teams, and issued eight yellow cards and two red cards (both for second yellows). I had to file the necessary report to the league office that afternoon. Fortunately, a match like that is very much the exception rather than the rule for me.

Sunday night, I was happy to see that Saint Louis University did make the NCAA men's basketball tournament and will play Memphis tomorrow (Friday) night in Columbus, Ohio. It will be a challenging game for the Billikens, for sure, but a victory is quite possible for SLU. Go Billikens!

Tuesday morning (13 March) had me at the St. Patrick Center for the GO! Network's weekly meeting. They had a presentation on a job seeker's "elevator speech," that 30- to 60-second pitch to a prospective employer or someone who could lead you to one. With another attendee's thoughts, I composed my elevator speech and delivered it to the assembly, which gave a positive overall response. I've went ahead and typed up my notes on that and posted it in my office, so I can practice it and fine tune the speech.

I did make a bit of use of that a few hours later, at a Yellow-Tie networking happy hour at CMS Solutions in Overland, Missouri. I spoke with one of the CMS employees there, who said they may hire a copywriter in the coming months. I gave her my card and we'll see what happens. It was only a short stay, as I had to dash over to Oakville for the Mehlville Oakville Alumni Association (MOAA) board meeting. It was my first time as this meeting as the group went over plans for upcoming alumni events. After that meeting, I volunteered to be the Mehlville '82 class representative to the MOAA board and they reunion committee head said for me to go ahead.

Looking ahead: Soccer games this Saturday and Sunday, and the IPMS/Gateway meeting Tuesday night. I'm giving a demo on scratchbuilding aircraft interiors (cockpits and landing gear bays) for models lacking them. Club info at http://ipms-gateway.com. Hope to see you there.


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