It was a busy, but fine week of work. I was working at the car rental branch on Monday (29 April), Tuesday (30 April), Thursday (2 May), plus the first half of Friday (3 May) and this morning. Early in the week, it was sunny and unseasonably warm, with temperatures hitting the high 70s F on Tuesday afternoon; however, it rained hard yesterday and temperatures only reached the 40s F. Still, we did good and satisfied many customers.
After work Monday, I was at the Bridgeton Trails Library for the monthly soccer referee in-service clinic in its new venue (changed from the Grand Glaize Library). Just a few referees showed up for the presentation on referee personality.
Wednesday (1 May), my off day from work, I was at Jefferson Barracks for the dedication of the POW-MIA Museum next to the National Guard base. This museum--located in an old house on the grounds--is dedicated to American troops who were Prisoners of War (POWs) and Missing in Action (MIA) in our conflicts over the years. IPMS/Gateway was present with a display of models of World War II US and German aircraft and German anti-aircraft guns. These models were presented as the museum was originally honoring POWs of World War II. Honored guests at the dedication were American POWs held at Stalag XVII-B, a German camp in Austria, during World War II. These survivors were holding their final reunion in St. Louis this past week. The model display was very well received by the museum's director, who asked us to help with models for upcoming presentations at the museum. We would be most honored to do so.
After work Friday afternoon, I stopped by Crown Vision Center in Concord Village to pick up my new eyeglasses. I ordered them a week before, after my eyes were examined by an optometrist on the premises. It's taking just a bit to get used to the new glasses (they are no-line bifocals), but they look great on me. Plus, I won't have to take off my glasses when I'm reading something, as I was doing with my previous glasses.
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