26 January 2022

Hosting Two Brothers

Last Sunday (23 January), my mother and I welcomed my brothers Rick and Brian for a few days. Brian arrived at St. Louis Lambert International Airport first late Sunday morning, flying in from New York. Rick arrived a few minutes later from Charleston, South Carolina, via Chicago. I picked them up from the airport and drove them home.

They mostly spent time at home while I was away at work Monday and Tuesday. Rick and Brian helped mom around the house and visited with friends in town. Last night, Rick and mom went to AT&T to get hardware for DirecTV Streaming, with intent to replace Spectrum for TV and internet service. My brothers helped set up the TVs in the house. While the upstairs TVs (family room and mom's bedroom) worked fine, mine in the basement bedroom didn't. 

This morning, AT&T service came to work on the internet service. They tweaked the wiring going into the house and installed a new 5G modem. With this in place, my TV worked better and our wireless internet (for laptops and smart phones) went much smoother. (For me, this also meant I could send items from my laptop to the printer without having to get offline to use the printer's Wi-Fi connection, as had been the case in recent weeks.) Our landline phones should be transferred from Spectrum to AT&T in the coming two weeks.

After posing for pictures, Brian took Rick to the airport to fly back to Charleston. After lunch with a friend, Brian came back here. Late this afternoon, I drove Brian to the airport for him to fly back to New York. It was good for my mom and I having my brothers home, if only for a few days.


Websites of Entities Mentioned in This Post:

St. Louis Lambert International Airport: St. Louis Lambert International Airport (flystl.com)

1 comment:

Kate said...

It looks like it was a wonderful visit! I am glad that the internet is working better as well!!