27 August 2022

Give Me Liberty--2022 ModelFest

Early this morning (27 August), my friend and fellow IPMS/Gateway member Don Will arrived at my house. We left in my car around 6:40 am for Liberty, Missouri (northeast of Kansas City) to attend this year's ModelFest, a scale modeling contest and vendor meet presented by IPMS/West Central Missouri at Liberty Christian Fellowship.

After an uneventful drive, Don and I arrived at the show site and registered our entries in the model contest. I brought three models: an A6M2 Zero in aircraft, a 155mm M1 Gun in Armor, and the USS Alabama in Naval. After placing my models in the contest area, I bought raffle tickets, browsed among the vendors, and chatted with several people I knew who were attending the show from around IPMS/USA Region 14.

Additionally, I admired the models being entered in the contest. There were some superb models on display this day.

At midday, I joined with other contest judges at a meeting, where we had free pizza for lunch. The head judge gave a short briefing on what we should look for in contest entries, and the judging teams were assembled. I was with two other judges evaluating entries in Gundam, Dioramas, Space and Science-Fiction, and Ships. (I recused myself from judging the category the Alabama was entered in.) Gundam was a large category, with over 30 entries--so many, in fact, that this category was split into large and small categories. Our team judged this category first. I didn't have much knowledge and experience in Gundam models; fortunately, my teammates were more knowledgeable and helped me out. With this category out of the way, we went on to the other assigned categories.

During a break in judging, I checked the raffle table and found that two of the 12 tickets I bought earlier were pulled. I got two kits: one of World War II Italian soldier figures, and the other of the Kfir C2/C7 fighter. Earlier, I won an RF-4C/E Phantom II kit in the raffle. This looks like the $10 I paid for the tickets had a great return on investment.

After judging for my assigned categories, I finished taking photos of the contest entries. (I started taking photos that morning.) These will be posted on the IPMS/Gateway Facebook page. I also shopped among the vendors, buying a small aircraft kit from one and three sheets of aircraft profile paintings from another.

Around 3:00 pm, the awards ceremony began, after representatives from several clubs with upcoming shows spoke to the crowd. That included me, as I plugged IPMS/Gateway's Gateway to the West Invitational in two weeks (10 September). My name was called twice, beginning with my M1 taking First Place in Armor & AFVs--1:72 and Smaller, wheeled & artillery, all eras. In Naval, my Alabama was Second in 1:700 and smaller. I should note that there were only two entries in each of these categories. However, I was pleasantly surprised to earn First Place in Armor.


Don earned Third in Figures--54mm and smaller for his Mephiston, a fantasy subject. I was happy for him, and the others I knew who won awards in the contest.

After the ceremony, I packed up my models with the awards and items won or bought. Then, I said my goodbyes to the hosts (thanking them for a terrific show) and walked to my car with Don, who was carrying his packed models.

I then drove off for St. Louis. Early tonight, we stopped at a Wendy's in Columbia for dinner, which we ate in the car in the restaurant's parking lot before heading back home. Don and I arrived at my house just after 8:00 pm, and he then took his models from my car into his pickup truck before he drove to his home in Carlyle, Illinois. My Corolla performed beautifully during the 504.5-mile (811.9 km) round trip today.


Websites of Entities Mentioned in this Post:

IPMS/West Central Missouri: Home (webs.com)
Liberty Christian Fellowship: Liberty Christian Fellowship (lcfliberty.org)

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