26 August 2024

A Weekend in August: Scale Modeling in Liberty and Festival of Nations in St. Louis

Early Saturday morning (24 August), I left home to drive to Liberty, Missouri, northeast of Kansas City. After over four hours of driving (including stops along the way), I arrived at Liberty Christian Fellowship Church, site of the 2024 Modelfest presented by IPMS West Central Missouri. 

I paid for myself and my three model entries at the registration desk, then placed my three models in their contest area categories. I also brought in some flyers for IPMS Gateway's Invitational next month, which went on the contest registration tables. Additionally, I bought some raffle tickets and milled around the show area.

It was very nice seeing my friends and acquaintances at the show and admiring the contest entries. I did win one military vehicle kit in the raffle and bought an aircraft kit and three aircraft books from vendors. At midday, I joined with other contest judges for lunch and a briefing before we began judging contest entries. My team judged automotive entries, then I joined a team to judge ships and figures. The judging went very efficiently.

At the end of the show, I plugged Gateway's show and several other upcoming model contests were promoted before the contest results were announced. I didn't win anything with my entries, but that didn't bother me. I am happy if I win, but that isn't why I am at these shows. Being there is the important part to me. I packed up my models and drove home, arriving home Saturday night.

The next afternoon (25 August), I went to Tower Grove Park in south St. Louis for the final day of the Festival of Nations, a multiethnic fair run by the International Institute of St. Louis. I walked about the many booths offering various food, crafts, and information. I enjoyed a cup of boba tea from Honey Bee Tea, and two empanadas from the Tango Argentina booth.

Late that afternoon, I reported to the volunteer desk for my assignment. I joined with two others to help with traffic control as the artists were leaving the park. I stood my watch for a little over one hour and things went smoothly. It was great to have done my part in making the Festival of Nations such a success.


Websites of Entities Mentioned in this Post:

Liberty Christian Fellowship Church: Liberty Christian Fellowship (lcfliberty.org)

IPMS West Central Missouri: Home (ipmswcmo.com)

IPMS Gateway: IPMS Gateway Chapter (google.com)

Tower Grove Park: Tower Grove Park

Festival of Nations: 2024 Festival of Nations Home (festofnations.com)

International Institute of St. Louis: International Institute of St. Louis – Immigrant Services & Community Engagement Hub since 1919 (iistl.org)

Honey Bee Tea: Boba Tea Coffee Smoothies - Honey Bee Tea (honeybt.com)

Tango Argentina: TANGO Argentina Food - Saint Charles, MO


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