30 October 2019

Fall Model Car Show in Kirkwood

Last Sunday morning (27 October) found me at the Kirkwood Community Center (https://www.kirkwoodparksandrec.org/) for the Fall model contest and swap meet hosted by the Midwest Model Vehicle Association--St. Louis (MMVA--STL) (https://www.facebook.com/StlMmva1/). Bill Wagner and I staffed a table there for IPMS/Gateway (https://sites.google.com/prod/view/ipmsgatewaychapter/home), in which we brought several models and some club flyers.

Quite a few show visitors came by our table to look at the models, pick up club flyers, and talk with Bill and I. At least two of them also picked up membership applications. We also had a binder with a recent issue of our newsletter and screen shots of our website and social media pages.

This show features a model car contest and vendors swelling kits, die cast cars, and accessories. I was able to browse among the vendors and did buy an aircraft kit from one vendor. I also admired the contest entries, with some very well built models on the contest tables.

Bill and I had a good time at the show, and felt we made a good impression of IPMS/Gateway among attendees.
