09 March 2017

Work and Seeing Scale Models

Work has gone well this week, with Monday (6 March) very busy as usual. We had busy and slow stretches on Tuesday and Wednesday. Bottom Line: We had our customers completely satisfied and we had a sense of accomplishment.

After work Tuesday night, I traveled to Mark Twain Hobby Center (https://www.hobby1.com/) for the Mark Twain Hobby Club (formerly IPMS/St. Louis) meeting. They had about 40 people there, crammed into the meeting room, to see a presentation on World War II US Army combat uniforms, with a PowerPoint display along with actual uniforms from the period. It was a most interesting presentation. I showed off the two models I completed last month and plugged this September's IPMS/Gateway (http://www.ipms-gateway.com/) Invitational.

My off day today started with a trip to Jiffy Lube (https://www.jiffylube.com/) to get my Corolla's oil changed. I also had the tires rotated and the fuel system cleaned there. I then went to St. Louis Bread Co. (https://www.panerabread.com/en-us/home.html) for a coffee and pastry. After that, I walked to the nearby Great Clips (http://www.greatclips.com/) to get my hair cut. My hair was overdue by about two weeks for a cut, and I was so glad that my hair is at a much better length for me.

I did my laundry at home and waited for a phone call. I was supposed to be interviewed by phone for a part-time, volunteer position, but the interviewed forgot about it and we'll try it again this Saturday.


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